                                 OPEN AUDITIONS for our JULY MUSICAL

                                     JUNIE B. JONES JR.

Auditions are Tuesday, April 15 & Wednesday April 16 from 6:30PM to 8:30PM
 Barre Players Theater, 64 Common Street, Barre, MA.
Callbacks (if needed) will be by invitation only on Saturday April 19 from 12pm to 2pm.
​Performances will take place July 18 (evening), 19 (afternoon & evening), and 20 (afternoon)

Rehearsals will be Saturdays 11am to 2pm and Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30pm to 8:30pm, beginning May 6th.
Auditions are open to children ages 5 to 18. 
We ask those auditioning to prepare one of the songs from our audition packet, which is available here.
Please sign up for an audition slot here.             Get your audition form here.

There is a $25 participation fee associated with this production.  We believe that theater should be accessible to all, so waivers are available for those who may need one.

If you have any questions, please email Anthony Masciangioli at